How can I display a membership management prompt on the Thank You page at checkout?

This document explains step by step how to show a "Manage Membership prompt button" on the Order Status page and the "Thank you" page, just after the checkout.

The box takes on your checkout theme, however, in general, it looks something like this:

To add this button, you need to follow the steps below:

  1. Go to your Shopify Admin > Online store > Themes > Customize. From the dropdown, select "Checkout and new customer account"

  1. Click again on the dropdown and then click on "Thank you"

  1. Add our App block "Membership Management button". Then click "Save". At that point, no preview is shown on the editor page, but it will work when making a test order.

The widget will only show when there's a membership in the cart/order.

The text can all be customized in the theme editor by clicking on the app block:

If you are still having any issues adding the app block, please send us an email at

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