Does Conjured Memberships integrate with CreditsYard?

Certainly! Our app can integrate with CreditsYard to give your members a certain amount of credits they can later spend in your store as an additional perk to reward them for purchasing or renewing their membership and create engagement.

In order to use the integration, you'll need to get an API key, which you can find on CreditsYard by following these steps:

1- Go to App.

2- Click the Plus (+) icon beside your profile at the top right corner of the page.

3- Click “Custom API” to get your API credentials

Once you have this key, you'll need to log in to your membership app and click on the "Settings" tab. Scroll down until you see the "Integrations" section and enable the CreditsYard integration. You will then be prompted to provide the API Key. After you've added the API key, be sure to save the changes.

The integration will now be active and ready to use; you can now go to your "perks" tab on your membership and check the option for "Give members store credit (using CreditYards)":

You'll have to provide the API key once again and select the amount of store credits you'll like to give for each payment plan (in case you have multiple).

As always, if you have any questions about how this feature works, don't hesitate to contact us at!

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