How do I cancel my Conjured Memberships app subscription?

We offer two options: you can either freeze your app subscription or completely remove the app by uninstalling it.

Freeze the App Subscription

This option allows you to keep the app installed and continue working on it while the app charges are paused. To freeze the app subscription:

  1. Open the Conjured Memberships app
  2. Click on App Subscription
  3. Scroll down until you see the Freeze my account link and click on it

When you're ready to unfreeze your account, just select one of the paid plans.

Uninstall the App

Now, if you want to cancel your subscription to the Conjured Memberships app, you can do so from your Shopify admin. Follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Click on Apps and sales channels
  3. Find the Conjured Memberships App
  4. Click on the three dots and click on Uninstall

If you have any questions or have any issues, email us at and we can help you to achieve your goals.

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