Can I add a free gift with every membership renewal?

One of our app's best perks is Sending a Free gift upon signup. However, you may want to extend this perk and send a free gift on every renewal. There are a few ways you can accomplish this:

1. Using the membership product as an indicator to your fulfillment team to ship a specific gift. Since the membership renewals show up as orders in their Shopify store, you can use that to keep track of the free gift. This method is simple and straightforward, but you should ensure that their fulfillment team is aware of the procedure.

2. Alternatively, you can use third-party apps like Mechanic to detect when an order containing the membership product is added and then use it to create a new order containing the free gift product. You would need to talk directly to the Mechanic team (or the third-party app) about the feasibility of this approach and how to implement it.

3. Finally, you can use Shopify Flow to create a workflow that includes a new product in the order if the membership product is present. The workflow would look like this:

You can obtain the product membership variant ID by going to the membership product in the Shopify admin and writing “.json” at the end of the URL; the ID will appear like this:

It's worth mentioning that the product added by this flow won't be discounted. Therefore, you need to use a product variant at $0. Also, you need to make it unavailable in all your sales channels so the customers won't be able to see it in the live store.

This last method involves a bit of technical knowledge, so feel free to reach out to us at if you'd like our help implementing it!

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