How can I implement Free Shipping to my members using a discount code?

Please note that these instructions are outdated. However, you're welcome to use them if you wish. For updated steps and our newest features, please refer to the following article:

If your store is not on Shopify Plus, the easiest option for offering your members free shipping is to create a discount code for free shipping, applicable only to customers with the membership tags.

Start by enabling the "Free shipping" perk for the tier you want to offer free shipping for. You'll see two membership tags listed in the instruction box.

Next, go to your Shopify Customers section. Click “Add Filter,” choose Customer tags, enter the membership status tag, and enter your tier tag in the search bar.

Then click the "Save Segments" button.

Once you've created your Saved Search, go to your Discounts area in Shopify, click the "Create discount" button, and select "Discount Code". Enter your code and select "Free shipping".

Under "Customer eligibility", select "Specific groups of customers".

Click the Browse button and select the customer group you just created.

Enable the different discount combinations if you want the free shipping discount to combine with other discounts:

Then save your changes. When your members use the discount code at checkout, they'll receive free shipping!

For additional ways of implementing the free shipping perk, refer to the tutorial How can I implement Free Shipping as a perk to my members?.

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