How can I implement Free Shipping to my members using Bespoke Shipping?
Please note that these instructions are outdated. Kindly refer to the following articles for the updated steps.
How can I implement Free Shipping as a perk to my members?
How can I implement Discounted Products as a perk to my members?
If your store is not on Shopify Plus, the easiest option for offering free shipping to your members is to create a discount code for free shipping, applicable only to customers with the membership tags. For more information about how to do this, refer to the tutorial How can I implement Free Shipping to my members using a discount code?.
Click "Open Definition Builder" and add two rules, each making sure customer tags equals your membership tag and your tier tag that was displayed on the Perks tab in Conjured Memberships.
Save your shipping group, and be sure that your "Members" shipping group is first on the list, above the "All Orders" option.
Finally, go to the Profiles tab. Select Members and click "Create shipping profile".
Add a product group (or all products, if you want free shipping to apply to all products), a zone (such as Domestic), and select your Members-Only Shipping Rate.
Then hit save. Your members now will see the free shipping rate at checkout!